Interface IDisplayOptions

Options for positioning and styling an object or array of objects.


  • IDisplayOptions


anchor?: Vector3 | {
    x?: number;
    y?: number;
    z?: number;

Location of the origin in local space, relative to the parent's bounds. Each component is between 0 and 1, where 0 is the parent bounds minimum, and 1 is the maximum. Defaults to (0.5, 0.5, 1), representing the center of the top of the parent.

Type declaration

  • Optional x?: number
  • Optional y?: number
  • Optional z?: number
arrangement?: Arrangement

For displaying an array of objects, strategy to use when arranging. Defaults to RenderContext.DEFAULT_ARRANGEMENT.

childOptions?: IDisplayOptions | IDisplayOptions[]

For displaying an array of objects, either a single IDisplayOptions that will be used with every child object, or an array containing separate options for each child.

fontColor?: Color

For displayed text, specifies a color to use. Defaults to white.

fontScale?: number

For displayed text, specifies a font scale to apply. Defaults to 1.

hiddenFor?: readonly Player[]

Set of players for which the identity of this object should be hidden. Opposite of revealedFor. This mainly affects cards, making them display their "hidden" face rather than "front" face.

invisibleFor?: readonly Player[]

Set of players for which this object is fully invisible. Opposite of visibleFor.

label?: string

For objects that support it, this text will be displayed next to the object on the table.

position?: Vector3 | {
    x?: number;
    y?: number;
    z?: number;

Offset in centimeters, relative to the parent transform.

Type declaration

  • Optional x?: number
  • Optional y?: number
  • Optional z?: number
revealedFor?: readonly Player[]

Set of players for which the identity of this object is revealed. Opposite of hiddenFor. Defaults to everyone, unless hiddenFor is given.

rotation?: number | Rotation

Euler angles in degrees, relative to the parent rotation.

visibleFor?: readonly Player[]

Set of players for which this object is visible. Opposite of invisibleFor. Defaults to everyone, unless invisibleFor is given.

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