
You will need:

Creating a new project

The easiest way to get going is to start with a template. For example:

When you’ve picked your template, click the “Use this template” button on its GitHub page, then “Create a new repository”.

After you’ve filled in the form to choose a repository name and description, you’ll be presented with the repository page for your newly created project.

Finally, clone your new repository to your local machine.

Install dependencies

Open a terminal in the directory containing your new project, then run the following:

npm install

This will download all the requirements you need to build and test your game.

Project structure

Your game code will be structured something like this:

package.json        # Defines dependencies, and how to build the game
tsconfig.json       # More configuration for building the game
src/index.ts        # Entry point for your game
src/game.ts         # Main game class
src/player.ts       # Player class
src/table.ts        # Table object layout
src/actions/*.ts    # Async functions implementing game logic

Compilation and testing

Assuming you’re using VS Code, pressing F5 should start debugging your game. A browser window will open to let you interact with the running game.

It’ll recompile your game whenever you change a .ts file, then replay whatever actions you performed in-game but with the new changes applied. This replay playback can diverge if you change which decisions players are prompted with.

You can also just build the project once without launching a test server:

npm run build

This will generate the JavaScript for your game in /dist.