

Core TypeScript library for writing games.


  • Node / npm >= 9.0.0


After cloning / pulling changes, run this to make sure all required packages are installed:

npm install

You can then build with:

npm run build


When making changes to bge-core, you'll need a local game to test with. Let's use bge-test as an example.

Clone the game project so its directory is next to the directory for bge-core:

git clone

Change to the newly cloned game's directory, then link to bge-core:

cd bge-test
npm link ../bge-core

Now you can test the game, and with it test your local copy of bge-core:

npm start

This should open a browser window showing the running game. Any changes you make to the game code will be compiled and loaded immediately, but if you change bge-core make sure you recompile that too!

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